Flex 3编程(影印版)
Flex 3编程(影印版)
Chafic Kazoun, Joey Lott
如果你想用Adobe Flex一试身手来创建富因特网应用程序(RIA),这是一本让你起步的理想书籍。《Flex 3编程》为帮助你理解Flex 3核心概念打下坚实的基础,并对如何、为何以及何时使用Flex的特定功能提供有价值的见解。难以计数的例子和实例代码演示了使用免费Flex开发工具包来构建完整实用的网络应用程序的方法。本书是Adobe公司的Flex 3参考文档的绝妙伴侣书。通过本书,你将学到:
· Flex框架内部的细节
· 使用MXML和ActionScript编程
· 用户界面组件的架构和布局
· 运用媒体元素的最佳实践方法
· 应用程序和组件的状态管理
· 关于使用变换和效果的锦囊妙计
· 调试Flex应用程序
· 在网络浏览器中嵌入Flex应用程序
· 为桌面构建AIR应用程序
Flex 3使你置身于网络和桌面的富因特网应用程序革命的最前沿。《Flex 3编程》将帮助你从这项复杂强大的技术中获得最大的收益。
——Matt Chotin,Flex高级产品经理,Adobe系统有限公司
Chafic Kazoun是Atellis的创始人之一和首席软件架构师。从1998年开始他就使用Flash技术,并且在Flex面世伊始就开始使用这项技术。
Joey Lott是Morphic Group的创办合伙人之一(www.themorphicgroup.com), 该公司的专业领域就是Flex应用程序开发。Joey也写了很多其他关于Flex和Flash相关技术的主要书籍,包括O'Reilly的《ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook》。
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Introducing Flex
  4. Understanding Flex Application Technologies
  5. Using Flex Elements
  6. Working with Data Services (Loading Data at Runtime)
  7. The Differences Between Traditional and Flex Web Applications
  8. Understanding How Flex Applications Work
  9. Understanding Flex and Flash Authoring
  10. What’s New in Flex 3
  11. 2. Building Applications with the Flex Framework
  12. Using Flex Tool Sets
  13. Creating Projects
  14. Building Applications
  15. Deploying Applications
  16. 3. MXML
  17. Understanding MXML Syntax and Structure
  18. Making MXML Interactive
  19. 4. ActionScript
  20. Using ActionScript
  21. MXML and ActionScript Correlations
  22. Understanding ActionScript Syntax
  23. Variables and Properties
  24. Inheritance
  25. Interfaces
  26. Handling Events
  27. Error Handling
  28. Using XML
  29. Reflection
  30. 5. Framework Fundamentals
  31. Understanding How Flex Applications Are Structured
  32. Loading and Initializing Flex Applications
  33. Understanding the Component Life Cycles
  34. Loading One Flex Application into Another Flex Application
  35. Differentiating Between Flash Player and the Flex Framework
  36. Caching the Framework
  37. Understanding Application Domains
  38. Localization
  39. 6. Managing Layout
  40. Flex Layout Overview
  41. Making Fluid Interfaces
  42. Putting It All Together
  43. 7. Working with UI Components
  44. Understanding UI Components
  45. Buttons
  46. Value Selectors
  47. Text Components
  48. List-Based Controls
  49. Pop-Up Controls
  50. Navigators
  51. Control Bars
  52. 8. Customizing Application Appearance
  53. Using Styles
  54. Skinning Components
  55. Customizing the Preloader
  56. Themes
  57. Runtime CSS
  58. 9. Application Components
  59. The Importance of Application Components
  60. MXML Component Basics
  61. Component Styles
  62. 10. Framework Utilities and Advanced Component Concepts
  63. Tool Tips
  64. Pop Ups
  65. Cursor Management
  66. Drag-and-Drop
  67. Customizing List-Based Controls
  68. Focus Management and Keyboard Control
  69. 11. Working with Media
  70. Overview
  71. Adding Media
  72. Working with the Different Media Types
  73. 12. Managing State
  74. Creating States
  75. Applying States
  76. Defining States Based on Existing States
  77. Adding and Removing Components
  78. Setting Properties
  79. Setting Styles
  80. Setting Event Handlers
  81. Using ActionScript to Define States
  82. Managing Object Creation Policies (Preloading Objects)
  83. Handling State Events
  84. Understanding State Life Cycles
  85. When to Use States
  86. 13. Using Effects and Transitions
  87. Using Effects
  88. Creating Custom Effects
  89. Using Transitions
  90. Creating Custom Transitions
  91. 14. Working with Data
  92. Using Data Models
  93. Data Binding
  94. Enabling Data Binding for Custom Classes
  95. Data Binding Examples
  96. Building Data Binding Proxies
  97. 15. Validating and Formatting Data
  98. Validating User Input
  99. Formatting Data
  100. 16. Client Data Communication
  101. Local Connections
  102. Persistent Data
  103. Communicating with the Host Application
  104. 17. Remote Data Communication
  105. Understanding Strategies for Data Communication
  106. Working with Request/Response Data Communication
  107. Web Services
  108. Real-Time/Socket Connection
  109. File Upload/Download
  110. 18. Application Debugging
  111. The Flash Debug Player
  112. Using FDB
  113. Debugging with Flex Builder
  114. Remote Debugging
  115. Logging Using trace() Within an Application
  116. The Logging Framework
  117. Debugging Remote Data
  118. 19. Building Custom Components
  119. Component Framework Overview
  120. Component Life Cycle
  121. Component Implementation
  122. Adding Custom Properties and Events
  123. Adding Styling Support
  124. 20. Embedding Flex Applications in a Web Browser
  125. Embedding a Flex Application in HTML
  126. Integrating with Browser Buttons and Deep Linking
  127. Flash Player Security
  128. Using Runtime Shared Libraries
  129. 21. Building AIR Applications
  130. Understanding AIR
  131. Building AIR Applications
  132. Working with AIR Features
  133. Distributing AIR Applications
  134. 22. Building a Flex Application
  135. Introducing the Sample Application
  136. Utilizing Best Practices
  137. Using Blueprints and Microarchitectures
  138. Abstracting Common Patterns
  139. Index
书名:Flex 3编程(影印版)
作者:Chafic Kazoun, Joey Lott
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Chafic Kazoun
Chafic Kazoun is co-founder and Chief Software Architect at Atellis. He’s worked with
Flash technologies since 1998 and with Flex since its inception.
Joey Lott
Joey Lott 是O'Reilly出版的好几本有关 Macromedia 技术图书的作者,包括《Flash 8 Cookbook》、《Programming Flash Communication Server》,以及《ActionScript Cookbook》,也是《Flash 8 ActionScript Bible》(Wiley)和《Advanced ActionScript with Design Patterns》(Adobe Press,2006 年 10 月)的作者。Joey 从 1999 年起就在教授 Flash 和 ActionScript。他在互联网行业的专业经验,包括共同创立 RightSpring 公司,以及担任 YourMobile/Premium Wireless Services(J2EE B2C 应用程序)和 Ads.com(主导一个 J2EE B2B 应用程序的开发)的顾问。
Joey Lott is the author of several O'Reilly books on Macromedia technology,including Flash 8 Cookbook, Programming Flash Communication Server, and the ActionScript Cookbook. He is also the author of Flash 8 ActionScript Bible (Wiley) and Advanced ActionScript with Design Patterns (Adobe Press, October 2006). Joey has been teaching Flash and ActionScript since 1999. His professional experience in the Internet industry includes co-founding RightSpring, Inc., as well as consulting for YourMobile/Premium Wireless Services (J2EE B2C application) and Ads.com(leading the development of a J2EE B2B application).

Joey Lott is a founding partner in The Morphic Group (www.themorphicgroup.com),
specializing in Flex application development. Joey has also written many other leading
books on Flex and Flash-related technologies, including O’Reilly’s ActionScript 3.0
The animal on the cover of Programming Flex 3 is a krait snake. The krait (Bungarus
caeruleus) is one of the deadliest venomous snakes in the world. Its native habitat is
limited to Asia, and it's nocturnal. The snake's bands are white or yellow on a blue/
black body. A krait's head is narrow and it can grow to nearly three feet in length.
Fairly common in the fields and jungles of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, the krait is
also known to seek shelter in human encampments. It's fond of hiding out in sleeping
bags, footwear, and piles of clothing or rags. Its venom contains a neuro-toxin that
causes respiratory failure. Victims often feel little pain from the bite itself, but the death
rate of victims is 85 percent without administration of anti-venom, and nearly 50 percent
even when medication is available.
The 2006 film Snakes on a Plane features a snake smuggler named "Kraitler." The krait
also makes an appearance in several Sherlock Holmes stories.