Tracey Pilone, Dan Pilone, Paul Pilone, Brett McLaughlin
“《深入浅出iPhone和iPad开发》使用一种幽默的吸引人的甚至愉快的方法来学习iOS开发。这本书涵盖了诸多关键技术,包括Core Data甚至像界面设计这样的重要方面,其内容恰当且首屈一指。”
——Sean Murphy,iOS设计员和开发员
——Rich Rosen,软件开发者和《Mac OS X for Unix Geeks》的作者之一

《深入浅出iPhone和iPad开发》将帮助你瞬间搭建和运行你的第一个应用。你将快速了解如何使用iOS 7工具和Xcode 5,同时可以掌握Objective-C编程准则,从而让你的应用脱颖而出。这是一次完整的学习体验,你将创建吸引眼球、畅销的iOS应用。

  1. Chapter 1: Getting Started: Getting mobile with iOS
  2. So you want to build an iOS app...
  3. Welcome to the Apple universe!
  4. iOS apps are written in Objective-C
  5. It all starts with the SDK
  6. Pin Xcode...you’re going to be here a lot
  7. Meet Sue, your new boss
  8. Xcode and Git...new best friends
  9. Xcode is the hub of your iOS project
  10. The iOS simulator
  11. Your code is stored in source files
  12. Code Editor, Hub...and debugging, too
  13. One iPhone, two iPhones, red iPhone, blue iPhone...
  14. Your iPhone Development toolbox
  15. Chapter 2: Basic iOS Patterns: Building from scratch
  16. iOS apps run full screen, but there’s a lot going on
  17. Model-View-Controller is a design pattern
  18. Get started with Xcode and Git
  19. Design time!
  20. Design time...redux
  21. Cosmetic changes are easy in Xcode
  22. You could code this if you’re into that kind of thing...
  23. iOS controls are more than skin deep
  24. You’ll create the action using the Xcode GUI editor
  25. Connect your controls to your actions
  26. So how do we get to that text?
  27. Properties handle creating getters and setters
  28. Create a property for that text field
  29. You connect your controls to outlets
  30. Twitter, the easy way...
  31. Your iOS Basics toolbox
  32. Chapter 3: Interlude: Syntax
  33. Classes: Interface and Implementation
  34. Header files describe the interface to your class
  35. Properties are about efficiency
  36. Message passing: How Objective-C gets around
  37. Speaking of messages....
  38. Your Syntax toolbox
  39. Chapter 4: Tables, Views, and Data: A table with a view
  40. Congratulations!
  41. SpinCity browsing app overview
  42. The way iOS apps work
  43. Using the touch screen....
  44. Hierarchical data—get out your table view
  45. We need to hook these views together...
  46. Three views in one template
  47. Use MVC to separate your concerns...
  48. Adding a new class
  49. Properties expose class attributes
  50. Data Access Objects hide low-level data access
  51. You’ve built your DAO!
  52. A table is a collection of cells
  53. Your View toolbox
  54. Chapter 5: Multiview Applications: It’s all about the details
  55. An app with a view...
  56. Table views don’t always look like...tables
  57. Change your UIViewController to a UITableView Controller
  58. Layout for the new detail view
  59. Layout your view within the storyboard
  60. Design the rest of the view dynamically
  61. Segues connect view controllers
  62. Connect your scenes in your storyboard
  63. Segues let you prepare for a new scene
  64. Update your prepareforSegue callback
  65. There’s an app a list for that
  66. Create a new property list
  67. You need to load each album from the plist
  68. Convert your data to plists in one easy step
  69. Your View toolbox
  70. Chapter 6: The Review Process, Design, and Devices: How to live with Apple
  71. It’s Apple’s world...you’re just living in it
  72. Device checking... it’s not optional
  73. Device checking case study: the camera
  74. iOS handles the heavy lifting
  75. Hmmm... supported device, missing feature
  76. The HIG helps, rather than hurting you
  77. You’ve already gotten used to the HIG...
  78. Design = look + feel
  79. iOS 7 Top 5
  80. More to think about: your iPad is not your iPhone
  81. Your Apple toolbox
  82. Chapter 7: Basic Core Data and Table View Cells: Reruns are hard to find
  83. This is your application
  84. This is your application on data
  85. Introducing Core Data
  86. ...and speaking of data
  87. The Gilligizer app
  88. Core Data starts with...data
  89. Core Data works with entities
  90. Core Data describes entities with a Managed Object Model
  91. Build your Show entity
  92. Our generated Show class matches our Managed Object Model
  93. NSManagedObject also implements the properties
  94. You have an object...now present it.
  95. Present each entity in Gilligizer
  96. Your Core Data toolbox
  97. Chapter 8: Implementing search with core data: Looking for info
  98. The app is working, but it’s limited...
  99. Use an NSFetchRequest to describe your search
  100. Let’s give it a shot...
  101. iOS 7 has Core Data and UIKit support for searching
  102. SearchDisplayController handles just about everything
  103. Use predicates for filtering data
  104. The NSFetchRequest predicate controls what data is returned
  105. It was a trick question...
  106. Your searching toolbox
  107. Chapter 9: Core data, mapkit, and core location: Finding a phone booth
  108. Everything old is cool new again
  109. An app, an iPad, and a phone booth
  110. iOS apps are read-only (well, kind of...)
  111. An iOS application structure defines where you can read and write data
  112. Enter... UIImagePicker
  113. Prompt the user with action sheets
  114. Where Who... are you? Where Who, who?
  115. Core Location can find you in a few ways
  116. Map Kit comes with every iOS device
  117. Annotations require a little more work finesse
  118. Fully implement the annotation protocol
  119. Your kit Toolbox
作者:Tracey Pilone, Dan Pilone, Paul Pilone, Brett McLaughlin
原版书书名: Head First iPhone & iPad Development, third edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Tracey Pilone
Tracey Pilone, a licensed Civil Engineer, is a freelance technical writer who has worked on mission planning and RF analysis software for the Navy. She has a Civil Engineering degree from Virgina Tech and a Masters of Education from the University of Virginia.
Dan Pilone
Dan Pilone is a software architect with Blueprint Technologies, Inc., cofounder
and president of Zizworks, Inc., and a terrible rock climber. He has designed and
implemented systems for Hughes, ARINC, UPS, and the Naval Research Laboratory.
When not writing for O’Reilly, he teaches software design and software
engineering at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of
the UML Pocket Reference and has had several articles published covering software
process, consulting in the software industry, and 3D graphics in Java.

Dan is eternally grateful to his wife Tracey for letting
him finish this book. Dan is a software architect for
Vangent, Inc., and has led teams for the Naval Research
Laboratory and NASA, building enterprise software.
He’s taught graduate and undergraduate Software
Engineering at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Some of his classes were interesting.
Dan started writing for O’Reilly by submitting a proposal
for this book a little over five years ago. Three UML
books, some quality time in Boulder, Colorado, with
the O’Reilly Head First team, and a co-author later, he
finally got a chance to put this book together.
While leading a team of software developers can be
challenging, Dan is waiting patiently for someone to
write Head First Parenting to help sort out seriously
complex management problems.
Paul Pilone
Brett McLaughlin
Brett McLaughlin从Logo时代(还记得那个小三角吗?)起就开始从事计算机工作。他目前正致力于使用Java及Java相关的技术构建应用程序的基础研究。最近的几年里,他在Nextel 通信公司和Allegiance电信公司研究这些技术。Brett是Java Apache项目Turbine的发起人之一,该项目使用Java Servlet为Web应用程序开发构建可重用的构件体系。他还参加了EJBoss项目,一个开源的EJB应用程序服务器;以及Cocoon,一个开源的XML Web发布引擎。他的项目都针对在运行关键任务的高性能分布式系统上使用XML和J2EE平台。为了在Java程序中操作XML,他和Jason Hunter合作定义了JDOM API。
Brett McLaughlin是一名吉他演奏者,他还在与现实搏斗——毕竟沉迷于指弹吉他(acoustic fingerstyle)的蓝调与爵士乐,是付不起每月的账单的。他最近刚刚发现的乐趣是写书能够帮助别人成为好的程序员,并且让自己付得起账单。他对此感到很快乐,他的妻子Leigh、小孩Dean与Robbie也是。
在进入“Head First”领域之前,Brett为Nextel Communications 及Allegiance Telecom开发企业级的Java应用程序。之后,他转战应用程序服务器领域,为Lutris Enhydra的Servlet引擎
(Servlet Engine)与EJB容器(EJB Container)开发内部系统。这一路走来,Brett着迷于开放源码并且协助进行一些很酷的编程工具开发的奠基工作,像Jakarta Turbine与JDOM。他的电子邮箱是brett@oreilly.com。
Brett D. McLaughlin has worked in computers since the Logo days. (Remember the
little triangle?) In recent years, he's become one of the most well-known authors and
programmers in the Java and XML communities. He's worked for Nextel Communications,
implementing complex enterprise systems; at Lutris Technologies, actually
writing application servers; and most recently at O'Reilly Media, Inc., where he
continues to write and edit books that matter. His list to date includes Head Rush
Ajax, and Java 5.0 Tiger: A Developer's Notebook.

Brett McLaughlin is a guitar player who is still struggling
with the realization that you can't pay the bills if you're into
acoustic fi ngerstyle blues and jazz. He's just recently discovered,
to his delight, that writing books that help people become better
programmers does pay the bills. He's very happy about this, as
are his wife Leigh, and his kids, Dean and Robbie.
Before Brett wandered into Head First land, he developed
enterprise Java applications for Nextel Communications and
Allegiance Telecom. When that became fairly mundane, Brett
took on application servers, working on the internals of the
Lutris Enhydra servlet engine and EJB container. Along the
way, Brett got hooked on open source software, and helped
found several cool programming tools, like Jakarta Turbine and
JDOM. Write to him at brett@oreilly.com.