Stephen Wendel
新一波产品浪潮专注于帮助人们改变其行为和日常生活,无论是更多的锻炼(Jawbone Up)、管理财务(HelloWallet)还是组织邮件(Mailbox)。这本实用指南将为你展示如何为那些力图采取行动并达成目标的用户设计这些类型的产品。
Stephen Wendel是HelloWallet的首席研究员,他将带领你一步步地把行为经济学和心理学应用到产品设计和开发的实际问题中去。你将学习到一种简单的迭代方法来确定目标用户及其行为、构建产品和评估效果。同时你也会了解到如何创建易用的产品来帮助人们作出积极的改变。

· 了解帮助人们改变行为的三种主要策略
· 确定你的目标客户群和他们力图改变的行为
· 提炼用户案例并确定行为改变的困难之处
· 开发让人乐于使用的高效界面设计
· 衡量你的产品的影响力并了解如何提高它
· 使用来自于如Nest、Fitbit和Opower这样的产品的实例
  1. Chapter 1: How the Mind Decides What to Do Next
  2. The Deliberative and Intuitive Mind
  3. Making Sense of the Mind
  4. Most of the Time, We’re Not Actually “Choosing” What to Do Next
  5. Even When We “Choose,” Our Minds Save Work
  6. The Obvious, Simple Stuff Is Really Important
  7. A Map of the Decision-Making Process
  8. On a Napkin
  9. Chapter 2: Why We Take Certain Actions and Not Others
  10. A Simple Model of When, and Why, We Act
  11. The Create Action Funnel
  12. On a Napkin
  13. Chapter 3: Strategies for Behavior Change
  14. A Decision or a Reaction: Three Strategies to Change Behavior
  15. Strategy 1: Cheat!
  16. Strategy 2: Make or Change Habits
  17. Strategy 3: Support the Conscious Action
  18. A Recap of the Three Strategies
  19. On a Napkin
  20. Discovering the Right Outcome, Action, and Actor
  21. Chapter 4: Figuring Out What You Want to Accomplish
  22. Start with the Product Vision
  23. Nail Down the Target Outcome
  24. Identify Additional Constraints
  25. Generate a List of Possible Actions for Users to Take
  26. On a Napkin
  27. Chapter 5: Selecting the Right Target Action
  28. Research Your Target Users
  29. Select the Ideal Target Action
  30. Define Success and Failure
  31. How to Handle Very Diverse Populations
  32. On a Napkin
  33. Developing the Conceptual Design
  34. Chapter 6: Structuring the Action
  35. Start the Behavioral Plan
  36. Tailor It
  37. Simplify It
  38. Make It “Easy”
  39. On a Napkin
  40. Chapter 7: Constructing the Environment
  41. Tactics You Can Use
  42. Increase Motivation
  43. Cue the User to Act
  44. Generate a Feedback Loop
  45. Knock Out the Competition
  46. Remove or Avoid Obstacles
  47. Update the Behavioral Plan
  48. On A Napkin
  49. Chapter 8: Preparing the User
  50. Tactics You Can Use
  51. Narrate the Past to Support Future Action
  52. Associate with the Positive and the Familiar
  53. Educate Your Users
  54. How Training Your Users Fits In
  55. Update the Behavioral Plan
  56. How Behavior Change Techniques Relate to the Thought the Behavior Requires
  57. On a Napkin
  58. Designing the Interface and Implementing It
  59. Chapter 9: Moving from Conceptual Designs to Interface Designs
  60. Take Stock
  61. Extract the Stories or Specs
  62. Provide Structure for Magic to Occur
  63. On a Napkin
  64. Chapter 10: Reviewing and Fleshing Out the Interface Designs
  65. Look for Big Gaps
  66. Look for Tactical Opportunities
  67. On a Napkin
  68. Chapter 11: Turning the Designs into Code
  69. Put the Interface Design in Front of Users
  70. Build the Product
  71. Go Lean If Possible
  72. On a Napkin
  73. Refining the Product
  74. Chapter 12: Measuring Impact
  75. Why Measure Impact?
  76. Where to Start: Outcomes and Metrics
  77. How to Measure Those Metrics
  78. Determining Impact: Running Experiments
  79. Determining Impact: Unique Actions and Outcomes
  80. Other Ways to Determine Impact
  81. What Happens If the Outcome Isn’t Measurable Within the Product?
  82. On a Napkin
  83. Chapter 13: Identifying Obstacles to Behavior Change
  84. Watch Real People Using the Product
  85. Check Your Data
  86. Figure Out How to Fix the Obstacles
  87. On a Napkin
  88. Chapter 14: Learning and Refining the Product
  89. Determine What Changes to Implement
  90. Measure the Impact of Each Major Change
  91. When Is It “Good Enough”?
  92. How to (Re-)Design for Behavior Change with an Existing Product
  93. On a Napkin
  94. Putting It into Practice
  95. Chapter 15: Common Questions and a Start-to-Finish Example
  96. An Example of the Approach
  97. Questions About How and Why We Act
  98. Questions About the Mechanics of Building Behavior Change Products
  99. Chapter 16: Conclusion
  100. Four Lessons
  101. Themes
  102. Looking Ahead
  103. Appendix: Glossary of Terms
  104. Appendix: Resources to Learn More
  105. Resources on Behavior and Decision Making
  106. Appendix: Bibliography
  107. Appendix: About the Author
作者:Stephen Wendel
原版书书名:Designing for Behavior Change
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Stephen Wendel
Stephen Wendel博士是HelloWallet的首席科学家,他开发帮助用户管理其财务的应用。作为一名专业的行为社会学科学家,他是500 Startups和其他一些创业加速器的顾问,也是Action Design DC的共同创办者。Action Design DC是在产品中应用行为经济学的相关从业者组织。