Google App Engine开发(影印版)
Google App Engine开发(影印版)
Charles Severance 著
即便你在编程或者Web开发方面只有很少或者没有任何经验,使用Google App Engine和这本书就能快速并且充满自信地构建那些激动人心的可扩展Web
App Engine几乎是近年来最引人注目的Web技术,它提供了一个简单易用的应用程序框架以及基本的Web工具。尽管Google自带的教程已经展示了主要的步骤,但是《Google App Engine开发》将会帮助任何人开始上手使用这个平台。读完本书你将学会如何构建完整的交互应用,并且将它们部署到和Google 搜索引擎使用同样服务器的云中。

· 纵览Google App Engine相关必备技术
· 学习如何使用Python、HTML、层叠样式表(CSS)、HTTP 和DataStore(App Engine的数据库)
· 领会创建高级动态Web应用的必备技术要点
· 掌握部署应用的前提要件

《Google App Engine开发》同样也是那些想要获得Web开发技能的资深程序员的极佳参考资源。构建Web应用曾是专家们独占的领地,但自从有了Google App Engine和这本书,任何人都能创建一个动态Web网站。

“《Google App Engine开发》使几乎不可能的事成为可能,帮助我这个老家伙学习一些难以置信的相关技术诀窍。我在过去整个职业生涯中一直想要更好地掌握 Web 开发,自从有了这本书,梦想终于成真。”
—— Robert Glushko,学生,密歇根大学
Charles Severance是密歇根大学信息学院的兼职助理教授。他也是IMS全球学习联合会的 IMS开发者网络协调员。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Programming on the Web
  3. The Request/Response Cycle
  4. What Is Google App Engine?
  5. What Is a “Cloud”?
  6. Why Did Google Build App Engine and Give It Away for Free?
  7. What Is the Google Infrastructure Cloud?
  8. Enter the Application Engine
  9. Your Application Must Be a Good Citizen in the Google Cloud
  10. How the Cloud Runs Your Application
  11. Why You Really Want to Run in the Cloud
  12. The Simplest App Engine Application
  13. Summary
  14. Exercises
  15. 2. HTML and CSS
  16. A Brief History of HTML and CSS
  17. HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
  18. A Well-Formed HTML Document
  19. Validating Your HTML
  20. HyperText Links (Anchor Tags)
  21. Multiple Files
  22. Lists in HTML
  23. Specifying Styles Using CSS
  24. Styling Tags with CSS
  25. Exerting More Control over Markup
  26. Validating CSS
  27. Tools to Help You Work with CSS
  28. Building the Navigation Menu
  29. The CSS Box Model
  30. Adding Navigation Hints for Users
  31. Summary
  32. Exercises
  33. 3. Python
  34. What Is Programming?
  35. About Python
  36. Installing Python
  37. The Essence of Programming
  38. Input, Processing, and Output
  39. Conditional Steps: A Number-Guessing Web Application
  40. Variables and Expressions
  41. Naming Variables
  42. Constants
  43. Handling Text Data Using Strings
  44. Using the String Library
  45. Types and Conversion
  46. Variables with Many Values at the Same Time: Lists
  47. Repeated Code: Loops
  48. Python’s Backpack: Dictionaries
  49. Looping Through a Dictionary
  50. Stored and Reused Code: Python Functions
  51. Turning Traceback to Our Advantage Using Try and Except
  52. Object-Oriented Python
  53. Comments in Python
  54. The Tao of Programming
  55. Summary
  56. Exercises
  57. 4. Sending Data to Your Application
  58. Making an HTTP Request
  59. Hacking the HTTP Protocol
  60. The HTTP Protocol Standards
  61. Watching HTTP in Action
  62. HTML: Building a Form
  63. Sending Form Data to the Server Using POST
  64. Handling Form Data in the App Engine Server
  65. Sending Form Data to the Server Using GET
  66. App Engine Log
  67. Looking at All the Data Available on an HTTP Request
  68. Advanced: Multipart POST Data with File Upload
  69. Summary
  70. Exercises
  71. 5. The App Engine webapp Framework
  72. A Trivial App Engine Application
  73. An Equivalent Trivial webapp Application
  74. The Handler Callback Pattern
  75. Looking at the Handler Code
  76. What Is “self” and Why Is It There?
  77. Number Guessing Using the webapp Framework
  78. Web Server Logs
  79. Summary
  80. Exercises
  81. 6. Templates
  82. Template Syntax
  83. Using the Templates from Python
  84. The Number-Guessing Game Using Templates
  85. Abstraction and Separation of Concerns: “Model View Controller”
  86. Building a Multiscreen Application
  87. Static Files in App Engine
  88. Referencing Static Files
  89. Generalizing Template Lookup with Multiple Templates
  90. Extending Base Templates
  91. Conditional Processing Templates
  92. Replacing More Than One Block in the Base Template
  93. Extending Our Application
  94. Syntax Errors
  95. More on Templates
  96. Summary
  97. Exercises
  98. 7. Cookies and Sessions
  99. HTTP Cookies
  100. Logging In and Logging Out Using Sessions
  101. Installing the Simple Session Utility
  102. Using the Session to Mark Login and Logout
  103. Changing the User Interface for a Logged-In User
  104. Summary
  105. Exercises
  106. 8. App Engine Datastore
  107. The Model-View-Controller Pattern
  108. Defining Models
  109. Adding a New Account Form
  110. Adding a User Account
  111. Looking Through the Datastore
  112. Logging In and Checking Accounts and Passwords
  113. Retrieving and Displaying Many Objects
  114. Terminology: Different Types of Keys
  115. References Between Data Models
  116. Interactions Between Models
  117. Putting the Primary Key into Session
  118. Adding the Chat Feature
  119. Summary
  120. Exercises
  121. 9. JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX
  122. jQuery
  123. Create a View of the Chat Messages in HTML
  124. Asynchronously Updating a <div> Using AJAX
  125. Summary
  126. Exercises
  127. 10. Running Your Application on the Google Infrastructure
  128. Application Engine Accounts
  129. Creating an Application on App Engine
  130. Uploading Your Application
  131. Testing Your Application
  132. Logs, Statistics, and Other Features
  133. Uploading New Versions
  134. Collaboration on Applications
  135. Summary
  136. Exercises
  137. 11. Memory Cache
  138. The Rules of Memory Cache
  139. Using the Memory Cache
  140. Using the Application Console to Examine Memory Cache
  141. Using a Memory Cache in Your Application
  142. Building a Session Store Using Memory Cache
  143. Sessions and Memory Cache
  144. Summary
  145. Exercises
  146. A. Installing and Running Google App Engine on Windows XP
  147. B. Installing and Running Google App Engine on Windows Vista
  148. C. Installing and Running Google App Engine on a Macintosh System
  149. D. Installing and Running Google App Engine on a Linux System
  150. Index
书名:Google App Engine开发(影印版)
作者:Charles Severance 著
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Charles Severance
The animal on the cover of Using Google App Engine is a great gray shrike (Lanius
excubitor). The great gray shrike is found in Europe and Asia, and in North America,
in Canada and Alaska. It is approximately 22–26 cm long, with a white belly, and it is
pearlish-gray on top. It has black wings, a black tail, and a characteristic black stripe
running through its eye. A solitary bird, it can usually be found sitting alone atop a
bush or post scanning the ground for prey, which includes everything from insects to
mice and other birds. It uses its feet to capture smaller prey such as bees or flies, but it
has to impale larger prey on a sharp object, such as a thorn; once the prey is secure, the
great gray shrike can use its strong hooked bill to devour it.