James Shore, Shane Warden
——Brian Marick,Exampler Consulting




* 如何采用敏捷开发?
* 我们是否真的需要结对编程?
* 应该基于何种度量(metrics)报告?
* 如何让我们的客户共同参与项目?
* 我们应该撰写多少文档?
* 何时设计架构?
* 作为非开发者,该如何与敏捷团队合作?
* 我的产品路线图在哪里?
* QA如何适应敏捷开发?

  1. Preface
  2. Part I. Getting Started
  3. 1. Why Agile?
  4. Understanding Success
  5. Beyond Deadlines
  6. The Importance of Organizational Success
  7. Enter Agility
  8. 2. How to Be Agile
  9. Agile Methods
  10. Don’t Make Your Own Method
  11. The Road to Mastery
  12. Find a Mentor
  13. 3. Understanding XP
  14. The XP Lifecycle
  15. The XP Team
  16. XP Concepts
  17. 4. Adopting XP
  18. Is XP Right for Us?
  19. Go! 51
  20. Assess Your Agility
  21. Part II. Practicing XP
  22. 5. Thinking
  23. Pair Programming
  24. Energized Work
  25. Informative Workspace
  26. Root-Cause Analysis
  27. Retrospectives
  28. 6. Collaborating
  29. Trust
  30. Sit Together
  31. Real Customer Involvement
  32. Ubiquitous Language
  33. Stand-Up Meetings
  34. Coding Standards
  35. Iteration Demo
  36. Reporting
  37. 7. Releasing
  38. “Done Done”
  39. No Bugs
  40. Version Control
  41. Ten-Minute Build
  42. Continuous Integration
  43. Collective Code Ownership
  44. Documentation
  45. 8. Planning
  46. Vision
  47. Release Planning
  48. The Planning Game
  49. Risk Management
  50. Iteration Planning
  51. Slack
  52. Stories
  53. Estimating
  54. 9. Developing
  55. Incremental Requirements
  56. Customer Tests
  57. Test-Driven Development
  58. Refactoring
  59. Simple Design
  60. Incremental Design and Architecture
  61. Spike Solutions
  62. Performance Optimization
  63. Exploratory Testing
  64. Part III. Mastering Agility
  65. 10. Values and Principles
  66. Commonalities
  67. About Values, Principles, and Practices
  68. Further Reading
  69. 11. Improve the Process
  70. Understand Your Project
  71. Tune and Adapt
  72. Break the Rules
  73. 12. Rely on People
  74. Build Effective Relationships
  75. Let the Right People Do the Right Things
  76. Build the Process for the People
  77. 13. Eliminate Waste
  78. Work in Small, Reversible Steps
  79. Fail Fast
  80. Maximize Work Not Done
  81. Pursue Throughput
  82. 14. Deliver Value
  83. Exploit Your Agility
  84. Only Releasable Code Has Value
  85. Deliver Business Results
  86. Deliver Frequently
  87. 15. Seek Technical Excellence
  88. Software Doesn’t Exist
  89. Design Is for Understanding
  90. Design Trade-offs
  91. Quality with a Name
  92. Great Design
  93. Universal Design Principles
  94. Principles in Practice
  95. Pursue Mastery
  96. References
  97. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
James Shore
James Shore,敏捷宣言(Agile Manifesto)的第10位签署者,他在那些敏捷团队被称为敏捷之前就开始指导大大小小的敏捷团队了。他关于敏捷开发的论述既有广度又有深度。2005年,敏捷联盟(Agile Alliance)将他们的最高荣誉:Gordon Pask奖授予了James,以表彰他对于敏捷实践的贡献。James是国际公认的演讲者,为那些对敏捷开发感兴趣的公司提供咨询。他还在他顶级排名的博客(jamesshore.com)上面撰写关于敏捷开发的博文。
James Shore, signatory number 10 to the Agile Manifesto, has been coaching agile teams large and
small before they were called agile. He brings both breadth and depth to his discussion of agile
development. In 2005, the Agile Alliance recognized James with their most significant award, the
Gordon Pask Award for Contributions to Agile Practice. James is an internationally recognized speaker
who consults for companies interested in agile development. He writes about agile development on his
top-ranked blog, jamesshore.com.
Shane Warden
Shane Warden是O'Reilly网络(O’Reilly Network)的技术编辑,专攻程序设计、Linux和开源软件开发。他负责了O’Reilly多本书籍的出版,是《Extreme Programming Pocket Guide》(极限编辑程袖珍手册)一书的作者,该书将极限编程浓缩成简单明了的解释和参考。许多读者说他们为所有客户都买了这本书,以便于向客户解释他们如何工作。Ward Cunningham(极限编程的协同创始人)认为该书是对极限编程实践的最佳阐释。
Shane Warden is the technical editor of the O’Reilly Network, specializing in programming, Linux,
and open source development. Among other books for O’Reilly, he is the author of the Extreme
Programming Pocket Guide, which distilled Extreme Programming into a concise explanation and
reference. Many readers have commented that they buy copies for all of their customers to explain how
they work. Ward Cunningham (cocreator of Extreme Programming) considers it the best explanation
of the practice.
The cover image is from www.veer.com.