Dan Pilone, Russ Miles




—— Scott Hanselman, 软件开发者、演说家、作家
Computer Zen

—— Keith Wichmann, SOA 架构师, Johns Hopkins UniversityApplied Physics Laboratory

—— Adam Z. Szymanski,软件项目经理
Naval Research Laboratory
  1. Intro
  2. 1 great software development: Pleasing your customer
  3. 2 gathering requirements: Knowing what the customer wants
  4. 3 project planning: Planning for success
  5. 4 user stories and tasks: Getting to the real work
  6. 5 good-enough design: Getting it done with great design
  7. 6 version control: Defensive development
  8. 6.5 building your code: Insert tab a into slot b...
  9. 7 testing and continuous integration: Things fall apart
  10. 8 test-driven development: Holding your code accountable
  11. 9 ending an iteration: It’s all coming together
  12. 10 the next iteration: If it ain’t broke...you still better fix it
  13. 11 bugs: Squashing bugs like a pro
  14. 12 the real world: Having a rocess in ife
作者:Dan Pilone, Russ Miles
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Dan Pilone
Dan Pilone is a software architect with Blueprint Technologies, Inc., cofounder
and president of Zizworks, Inc., and a terrible rock climber. He has designed and
implemented systems for Hughes, ARINC, UPS, and the Naval Research Laboratory.
When not writing for O’Reilly, he teaches software design and software
engineering at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of
the UML Pocket Reference and has had several articles published covering software
process, consulting in the software industry, and 3D graphics in Java.

Dan is eternally grateful to his wife Tracey for letting
him finish this book. Dan is a software architect for
Vangent, Inc., and has led teams for the Naval Research
Laboratory and NASA, building enterprise software.
He’s taught graduate and undergraduate Software
Engineering at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Some of his classes were interesting.
Dan started writing for O’Reilly by submitting a proposal
for this book a little over five years ago. Three UML
books, some quality time in Boulder, Colorado, with
the O’Reilly Head First team, and a co-author later, he
finally got a chance to put this book together.
While leading a team of software developers can be
challenging, Dan is waiting patiently for someone to
write Head First Parenting to help sort out seriously
complex management problems.
Russ Miles
Russ Miles是一位具有10年编程经验的开发人员,其涉足的语言包括:从Atari 800XL上的Basic到Mac OS X上的Mono。Russ是一位虔诚的Mac信徒,近年来,他专注于多平台环境下复杂的分布式系统开发,包括Windows、Linux、Unix和Mac OS X上多种风格的开发。Russ目前是General Dynamic UK Limited的一位高级技术专家,还是许多项目的顾问,包括从内部工具开发到国际标准出版物。只要有可能,Russ就会回到编程领域中来,并为多个开源项目做出了贡献。他还创立了他自己的一些开源项目。
在Russ意外地参加英国计算机协会的高级编程专家组的一次错误的会议时,他“发现”了面向方面编程。Russ无法记起他参加会议的实际目的,但是他很幸运,他参加了一次名为“Aspect-Oriented Programming Using AspectJ”的讲座,演讲人是IBM的Adrian Colyer。Russ对面向方面的潜力和AspectJ的成熟印象深刻,他关于软件体系结构的观点也发生了永久性的变化。他立即利用这种新方法,改变了他及其团队开发软件的方式。很快两年过去了,Russ仍在开发和倡导面向方面的方法。本书是Russ幸运地与AspectJ倡导者第一次碰面的结晶。
Russ is totally indebted to his fiancée, Corinne, for her
complete love and support while writing this book. Oh,
and he still can’t believe she said yes to getting married
next year, but I guess some guys have all the luck!
Russ has been writing for a long time and gets a huge
kick out of demystifying technologies, tools, and
techniques that shouldn’t have been so mystified in the
first place. After being a developer at various ranks for
many years, Russ now keeps his days (and sometimes
nights) busy by heading up a team of software
developers working on super secret services for the
music industry. He’s also just finished up his Oxford
Masters degree that only took him five years. He’s
looking forward to a bit of rest...but not for too long.
Russ is an avid guitar player and is relishing the spare
time to get back to his guitars. The only thing he’s
missing is Head First Guitar...c’mon Brett, you know
you want that one!