Ruby on Rails(影印版)
Ruby on Rails(影印版)
Bruce A. Tate, Curt Hibbs
也许您已经听够了所有关于Ruby on Rails的谈论并且现在就想一试身手,那么这本书就是您所需要的:一本快速、讲求实效的参考书,它将向您展示如何构建实际的应用程序。Ruby on Rails: Up and Running将通过七章的内容使您从一无所知加速到全速前进。无论您想搭建脚手架般的实验程序,还是用Ajax编写响应快速并能取悦用户的应用程序,它都将涵盖您所需的一切内容。
● 使用ActiveRecord与数据库协同工作
● 使用Migrations来修改数据库而无需SQL
● 对数据库中表格的相互关系进行建模
● 构建控制器来表达应用程序中的基本操作
● 使用模板来开发HTML显示页面
● 在应用程序中集成Ajax
● 编写单元测试、功能测试和集成测试
Ruby on Rails可能是近十年来最重要的开源项目。它已经革新了网络应用程序的开发方式并且使得数十万的开发人员工作更加轻松。如果您还没有使用Rails来工作,现在就是开始的时候了;而Ruby on Rails: Up and Running将向您展示怎样开始。
Bruce Tate是一位知名的作者、发言人和独立咨询师。他的专长在于轻量级开发技术,尤其是Ruby和Ruby on Rails。他的O'Reilly作品中包括获得Jolt大奖的“Better, Faster, Lighter Java”(影印版由东南大学出版社出版)和“Beyond Java”(中文版即将由东南大学出版社出版)。
Curt Hibbs是一位波音公司的高级软件程序员,具有30年的开发经验。作为最早使用Ruby的人员之一,他活跃于Ruby开发人员社群。Curt是Instant Rails的作者,Instant Rails是Windows平台的Rails“一键式”安装包。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Zero to Sixty: Introducing Rails .
  3. Rails Strengths
  4. Putting Rails into Action
  5. Organization
  6. The Web Server
  7. Creating a Controller
  8. Building a View
  9. Tying the Controller to the View
  10. Under the Hood
  11. What ’s Next?
  12. 2. Active Record Basics
  13. Active Record Basics
  14. Introducing Photo Share
  15. Schema Migrations
  16. Basic Active Record Classes
  17. Attributes
  18. Complex Classes
  19. Behavior
  20. Moving Forward
  21. 3. Active Record Relationships
  22. belongs_to
  23. has_many
  24. has_one
  25. What You Haven ’t Seen
  26. Looking Ahead
  27. 4. Scaffolding
  28. Using the Scaffold Method
  29. Replacing Scaffolding
  30. Generating Scaffolding Code
  31. Moving Forward
  32. 5. Extending Views
  33. The Big Picture
  34. Seeing Real Photos
  35. View Templates
  36. Setting the Default Root
  37. Stylesheets
  38. Hierarchical Categories
  39. Styling the Slideshows
  40. 6. Ajax
  41. How Rails Implements Ajax
  42. Playing a Slideshow
  43. Using Drag-and-Drop to Reorder Slides
  44. Drag and Drop Everything (Almost Everything)
  45. Filtering by Category
  46. 7. Testing
  47. Background
  48. Ruby ’s Test::Unit
  49. Testing in Rails
  50. Wrapping Up
  51. A. Installing Rails
  52. B. Quick Reference
  53. Index
书名:Ruby on Rails(影印版)
作者:Bruce A. Tate, Curt Hibbs
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Bruce A. Tate
Bruce A. Tate是来自德州奥斯汀的一名独木舟、登山自行车爱好者,他也是两个孩子的爸爸。2001年,他创立J2Lite,LLC(译注)独立顾问公司,现今称为RapidRed。在那里,他主要致力于使用Ruby on Rails从事快速软件开发的培训、实现与咨询。客户涵盖FedEx、Great West Life、AutoGas、TheServerSide以及BEA。他拥有20年的丰富经验,包括在IBM的13年以及担任好几家新创公司的领导层职务的经验。他是个享誉国际的演讲者以及9本广受推崇的软件开发书籍的作者,包含脍炙人口的《超越Java》(O'Reilly出版,中文版由东南大学出版社出版)、赢得Jolt大奖的《轻快的好Java》(O'Reilly出版,影印版由东南大学出版社出版)、备受管理层瞩目的《From Java to Ruby》(Progmatic)及轰动一时的《Bitter Java》(Manning)。

Bruce A. Tate是位独木舟高手、登山自行车专家,也是两个小孩的父亲。闲暇之余,在美国德州的奥斯汀担任顾问工作。在2001年时,他创立了J2Life, LLC公司,这是一家专精于Java永久保存框架与轻量化开发方法的顾问公司。他的客户包括FedEx、Great West Life、TheServerSide以及BEA。他经常在国际性的研讨会与Java用户社区中进行演讲。在成名之前,Bruce花了13年的时间在IBM工作,致力于数据库技术、面向对象基础建设以及Java技术。后来他被一家位于奥斯汀的新兴公司Pervado Systems挖走,协助提供客户端服务。接着又在IronGrid担任CTO,这家公司提供了很棒的Java性能调整工具。Bruce同时也是四本书的作者,包括最畅销的《Bitter Java》(Manning出版)以及赢得Jolt大奖的《轻快的好Java》(影印版,东南大学出版社出版)。划独木舟的第一守则是:心里有疑虑,浅水变地狱。

Bruce A. Tate是个泛舟人、山地越野自行车手以及两个孩子的爸爸。空闲的时候他在德克萨斯州Austin一带做独立顾问。 Bruce于2001年创立J2Life —— 这是一家精于Java持久性框架与轻量化开发方法的公司,其客户包括FedEx、Great West Life、TheServerSide与BEA等。Bruce曾经在全美各地的研讨会上和Java用户组中都发表过演说。在创业之前,Bruce为IBM 服务了13年,从事与数据库技术、面向对象的基础架构与Java等有关的工作。后来,他被一家位于Austin名为Pervado Systems的新公司挖走,帮助建立客户服务实践。之后他还短期地在IronGrid担任CTO职务,设计Java性能工具。他有4本著作,其中包括畅销书《Bitter Java》。
Bruce A. Tate is a kayaker, mountain biker, and father of two. In his spare time, he is an independent consultant in Austin, TX. In 2001, he founded J2Life, LLC, a consulting firm that specializes in Java persistence frameworks and lightweight development methods. His customers have included FedEx, Great West Life, TheServerSide, and BEA. He speaks at conferences and Java user's groups around the nation. Before striking out on his own, Bruce spent 13 years at IBM working on database technologies, object-oriented infrastructure, and Java.He was recruited away from IBM to help launch the client services practice in an Austin startup called Pervado Systems. He later served a brief stint as CTO of IronGrid, which built nimble Java performance tools. Bruce is the author of four books, including best-selling Bitter Java.

Bruce A.Tate is a kayaker, mountain biker, and father of two from Austin, Texas. In 2001, he founded the J2Life, LLC independent consultancy —now called RapidRed —where his primary focus is on
training, implementation,and consulting for rapid software development using Ruby on Rails. His customers have included FedEx, Great West Life,AutoGas,TheServerSide, and BEA. His 20 years of experience span a 13-year stint at IBM and severalleadership positions at various startup companies. He's an international speaker and widely respected author of nine software development books, including the provocative Beyond Java(O'Reilly), the Jolt-winning Better, Faster, Lighter Java (O'Reilly),the management-focused From Java to Ruby (Pragmatic), and the smash hit Bitter Java (Manning).
Curt Hibbs
Curt Hibbs长久以来一直热衷于新技术及新趋势的发展。然而,他会告诉你之所以如此纯粹是因为他懒,他总是在寻求新方法与新技术,好让工作更轻松愉快、更具生产力。这种倾向促成他在2001年发现Ruby(当时,Ruby在日本以外相对不为人知),也让他开创了一些极为成功的Ruby开放源码项目。在他的职业生涯里的大部分时间中(开始于20世纪70年代早期),Curt曾经担任一些著名公司的顾问,如Hewlett Packard、Intuit、Corel、WordStar、Charles Schwab、Vivendi Universal等,他也曾担任一些新创公司的重要职务。Curt目前任职于在圣路易的波音公司,做资深软件工程师。
Curt Hibbs has always been slightly obsessed with new technologies and tracking technology trends. But he will tell you that this is simply because he is lazy, always looking for new methods and technologies to make his work easier and more productive. This tendency led to his discovery of Ruby in 2001 (when it was still relatively unknown outside of Japan) and to his founding several highly successful Ruby open source projects. For most of his professionalcareer, which started in the early 1970s, Curt has been a consultant to well-known companies such as Hewlett Packard, Intuit, Corel, WordStar, Charles Schwab, Vivendi Universal, and more. He has also been a principal in several startups.
Curt now works as a Senior SoftwareEngineer for The Boeing Company in St. Louis.
The animalon the cover of Ruby on Rails:Up and Running is an ibex (Capra
pyrenaica). Found in the mountains of Europe, centralAsia, and North Africa, the
ibex spends most of its time at an altitude of 7,500 to 11,500 feet. The ibex is known
for its impressively long horns, which can grow up to three feet on males. During
mating season, ibex males bang their horns together in intense battles over mating
Although the physics of such a feat seems dubious, according to legend, the ibex’s
horns were so strong that, if threatened, the animal could hurl itself from a precipice
and land unharmed on them.