Bruce W. Perry
想给你的Web站点增加交互功能吗?想创建一个像桌面应用软件一样美观的Web应用程序吗?《Ajax Hacks》正是你要寻找的、可以帮助你实现上述想法的书籍。Ajax是在原有技术基础上构建的一套全新的开发框架,它能帮助网站摆脱传统Web技术的束缚,赋予网站和Web应用更多的灵活性和交互性。
Ajax有机地结合了HTML、JavaScript和XML的优点,允许网页和服务器进行部分的数据交换,而不是整页交换。利用Ajax,你可以让更多的处理工作在客户端完成,只有在必要的时候才与服务器端交换信息。在完美地应用于Gmail和Google Maps之后Ajax开始变得普及,非常适合于大型项目的开发,同时它的灵活性也适用于所有规模的网站和应用。
·如何运用Ajax开发个性化的HTML forms以满足不同客户的需求
·如何共享和集成Google Maps、Yahoo! Maps和GeoURL API的资源
·如何远程调用Java和Ruby on Rails进行Ajax应用开发
·如何运用原型、Rico和script.aculo.us JavaScript库
总之,《Ajax Hacks》阐述了一个面向下一代Web应用的开发工具,同时也讲述了运用Ajax进行程序开发的几种不同方法。无论你是想了解Ajax,还是想找一种新方法运用Ajax,本书都将陪伴你走过很长一段路。
  1. Foreword
  2. Credits
  3. Preface
  4. Chapter 1. Ajax Basics
  5. 1.Detect Browser Compatibility with the Request Object
  6. 2.Use the Request Object to POST Data to the Server
  7. 3.Use Your Own Library for XMLHttpRequest
  8. 4.Receive Data as XML
  9. 5.Get Plain Old Strings
  10. 6.Receive Data as a Number
  11. 7.Receive Data in JSON Format
  12. 8.Handle Request Object Errors
  13. 9.Dig into the HTTP Response
  14. 10.Generate a Styled Message with a CSS File
  15. 11.Generate a Styled User Message on the Fly Chapter
  16. 2. Web Forms
  17. 12.Submit Text Field or textarea Values to the Server Without a Browser Refresh
  18. 13.Display Text Field or textarea Values Using Server Data
  19. 14.Submit Selection-List Values to the Server Without a Round Trip
  20. 15.Dynamically Generate a New Selection List Using Server Data
  21. 16.Extend an Existing Selection List
  22. 17.Submit Checkbox Values to the Server Without a Round Trip
  23. 18.Dynamically Generate a New Checkbox Group with Server Data
  24. 19.Populate an Existing Checkbox Group from the Server
  25. 20.Change Unordered Lists Using an HTTP Response
  26. 21.Submit Hidden Tag Values to a Server Component Chapter
  27. 3. Validation
  28. 22.Validate a Text Field or textarea for Blank Fields
  29. 23.Validate Email Syntax
  30. 24.Validate Unique Usernames
  31. 25.Validate Credit Card Numbers
  32. 26.Validate Credit Card Security Codes
  33. 27.Validate a Postal Code Chapter
  34. 4. Power Hacks for Web Developers
  35. 28.Get Access to the Google Maps API
  36. 29.Use the Google Maps API Request Object
  37. 30.Use Ajax with a Google Maps and Yahoo!Maps Mash-up
  38. 31.Display a Weather.com XML Data Feed
  39. 32.Use Ajax with a Yahoo!Maps and GeoURL Mash-up
  40. 33.Debug Ajax-Generated Tags in Firefox
  41. 34.Fetch a Postal Code
  42. 35.Create Large,Maintainable Bookmarklets
  43. 36.Use Permanent Client-Side Storage for Ajax Applications
  44. 37.Control Browser History with iframes
  45. 38.Send Cookie Values to a Server Program
  46. 39.Use XMLHttpRequest to Scrape an Energy Price from a Web Page
  47. 40.Send an Email with XMLHttpRequest
  48. 41.Find the Browser ’s Locale Information
  49. 42.Create an RSS Feed Reader Chapter
  50. 5. Direct Web Remoting (DWR) for Java Jocks
  51. 43.Integrate DWR into Your Java Web Application
  52. 44.Use DWR to Populate a Selection List from a Java Array
  53. 45.Use DWR to Create a Selection List from a Java Map
  54. 46.Display the Keys/Values from a Java HashMap on a Web Page
  55. 47.Use DWR to Populate an Ordered List from a Java Array
  56. 48.Access a Custom Java Object with JavaScript
  57. 49.Call a Built-in Java Object from JavaScript Using DWR Chapter
  58. 6. Hack Ajax with the Prototype and Rico Libraries
  59. 50.Use Prototype ’s Ajax Tools with Your Application
  60. 51.Update an HTML Element ’s Content from the Server
  61. 52.Create Observers for Web Page Fields
  62. 53.Use Rico to Update Several Elements with One Ajax Response
  63. 54.Create a Drag-and-Drop Bookstore Chapter
  64. 7. Work with Ajax and Ruby on Rails
  65. 55.Install Ruby on Rails
  66. 56.Monitor Remote Calls with Rails
  67. 57.Make Your JavaScript Available to Rails Applications
  68. 58.Dynamically Generate a Selection List in a Rails Template
  69. 59.Find Out Whether Ajax Is Calling in the Request
  70. 60.Dynamically Generate a Selection List Using Database Data
  71. 61.Periodically Make a Remote Call
  72. 62.Dynamically View Request Information for XMLHttpRequest Chapter
  73. 8. Savor the script.aculo.us JavaScript Library
  74. 63.Integrate script.aculo.us Visual Effects with an Ajax Application
  75. 64.Create a Login Box That Shrugs Off Invalid Logins
  76. 65.Create an Auto-Complete Field with script.aculo.us
  77. 66.Create an In-Place Editor Field
  78. 67.Create a Web Form That Disappears When Submitted Chapter
  79. 9. Options and Efficiencies
  80. 68.Fix the Browser Back Button in Ajax Applications
  81. 69.Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons with RSH
  82. 70.Set a Time Limit for the HTTP Request
  83. 71.Improve Maintainability,Performance,and Reliability
  84. for Large JavaScript Applications
  85. 72.Obfuscate JavaScript and Ajax Code
  86. 73.Use a Dynamic script Tag to Make Web Services Requests
  87. 74.Configure Apache to Deal with Cross-Domain Issues
  88. 75.Run a Search Engine Inside Your Browser
  89. 76.Use Declarative Markup Instead of Script via XForms
  90. 77.Build a Client-Side Cache
  91. 78.Create an Auto-Complete Field
  92. 79.Dynamically Display More Information About a Topic
  93. 80.Use Strings and Arrays to Dynamically Generate HTML
  94. Index
书名:AJAX HACKS(影印版)
作者:Bruce W. Perry
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Bruce W. Perry
Bruce W. Perry是一位独立的Java软件开发人员及作家。自1996年以来,他为各种非赢利机构、设计和营销公司及广告代理商开发Web应用程序和数据库。在不从事编程和写作的时候,他喜爱骑自行车、在美国和瑞士登山。2004年春天,Perry结束了在Brandeis大学的软件工程硕士课程。他同他的妻子Stacy LeBaron、女儿Rachel和儿子Scott一起居住在美国马萨诸塞州的Newburyport。
The image on the cover of Ajax Hacks is ping pong paddles.Ping pong origi-
nated in Victorian England,played in the homes of the upper class,who
would use everyday household objects to create an indoor tennis “court.”A
row of books,for instance,would serve as a net,the top of a champagne
cork as a ball,and cigar box tops as paddles.Looking to capitalize on the
popularity of this “table tennis ”game,manufacturers began selling small
paddles constructed of wooden frames and parchment paper.The sound
that this early equipment made gave table tennis the name ping pong,which
was first trademarked in 1901.More innovations came in the early 1900s,
when players began using the modern equipment of celluloid balls and
wooden paddles covered in stippled rubber.Around the same time,orga-
nized tournaments began to spring up around England,and soon after that,
the game spread throughout the world.
Ping pong was introduced as an Olympic game in 1988.The incredible
speed and accuracy of modern players made the game difficult to follow on
television.In an effort to make the game more watchable,in 2000,the Inter-
national Table Tennis Association slowed down ping pong by introducing
larger balls and shortened the length of the games by decreasing the winning
score from 21 to 11.