Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
正则表达式是一种用来操作文本和数据的强大工具。近年来,它们快速广泛传播,并被多种流行工具和语言作为标准特性提供, 如Perl、Java、VB.NET、C#(及任何使用.NET框架的语言)、PHP、Python、Ruby、Tcl、MySQL、awk、Emacs等。
《精通正则表达式(第二版)》已被全面更新,涵盖了Perl 5.8及其他诸如Java、VB.NET、C#、Python、JavaScript、Tcl、Ruby等语言提供的全部新特性。本书用明晰、轻快的文笔,将原本复杂、乏味的主题清楚明白地展现在数以千计的程序员面前,并辅以一些真实世界中复杂问题的解决方案。《精通正则表达式》提供了大量可供直接使用的信息。
  1. Preface
  2. 1: Introduction to Regular Expressions
  3. Solving Real Problems
  4. Regular Expressions as a Language
  5. The Filename Analogy
  6. The Language Analogy
  7. The Regular-Expression Frame of Mind
  8. If You Have Some Regular-Expression Experience
  9. Searching Text Files: Egrep
  10. Egrep Metacharacters
  11. Start and End of the Line
  12. Character Classes
  13. Matching Any Character with Dot
  14. Alternation
  15. Ignoring Differences in Capitalization
  16. Word Boundaries
  17. In a Nutshell
  18. Optional Items
  19. Other Quantifiers: Repetition
  20. Parentheses and Backreferences
  21. The Great Escape
  22. Expanding the Foundation
  23. Linguistic Diversification
  24. The Goal of a Regular Expression
  25. A Few More Examples
  26. Regular Expression Nomenclature
  27. Improving on the Status Quo
  28. Summary
  29. Personal Glimpses
  30. 2: Extended Introductory Examples
  31. About the Examples
  32. A Short Introduction to Perl
  33. Matching Text with Regular Expressions
  34. Toward a More Real-World Example
  35. Side Effects of a Successful Match
  36. Intertwined Regular Expressions
  37. Intermission
  38. Modifying Text with Regular Expressions
  39. Example: Form Letter
  40. Example: Prettifying a Stock Price
  41. Automated Editing
  42. A Small Mail Utility
  43. Adding Commas to a Number with Lookaround
  44. Text-to-HTML Conversion
  45. That Doubled-Word Thing
  46. 3: Overview of Regular Expression Features and Flavors
  47. A Casual Stroll Across the Regex Landscape
  48. The Origins of Regular Expressions
  49. At a Glance
  50. Care and Handling of Regular Expressions
  51. Integrated Handling
  52. Procedural and Object-Oriented Handling
  53. A Search-and-Replace Example
  54. Search and Replace in Other Languages
  55. Care and Handling: Summary
  56. Strings, Character Encodings, and Modes
  57. Strings as Regular Expressions
  58. Character-Encoding Issues
  59. Regex Modes and Match Modes
  60. Common Metacharacters and Features
  61. Character Representations
  62. Character Classes and Class-Like Constructs
  63. Anchors and Other 襔ero-Width Assertions
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
effrey E.F.Friedl生长于俄亥俄州Rootstown的乡村,小时候希望成为天文学家,直到有一天他发现了闲置在化学实验室角落里的TRS-80 Model I(装备了整整16KB RAM)。1980年他终于开始使用Unix(和正则表达式)。在肯特(Kent)大学和新罕布什尔(New Hampshire)大学分别获得计算机学士和硕士学位之后,他在日本京都工作了8年,为欧姆龙公司(Omron Corporation)进行核心开发,1997年迁居硅谷,在当时还不为人知的Yahoo!用正则表达式处理财经新闻和数据。2004年4月他偕妻儿返回京都。
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl was raised in the countryside of Rootstown, Ohio, and had aspi-rations of being an astronomer until one day noticing a TRS-80 Model I sitting unused in the corner of the chem lab (bristling with a full 16K of RAM, no less).
He eventually began using Unix (and regular expressions) in 1980, and earned degrees in Computer Science from Kent (BS) and the University of New Hamp-shire (MS). He did kernel development for Omron Corporation in Kyoto, Japan for eight years before moving in 1997 to Silicon Valley to apply his regular-expression know-how to financial news and data for a little-known company called Yahoo!
The animals on the cover of Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition, are
owls. There are two families and approximately 180 species of these birds of prey distributed throughout the world, with the exception of Antarctica. Most species of owls are nocturnal hunters, feeding entirely on live animals, ranging in size from insects to hares.
Because they have little ability to move their large, forward-facing eyes, owls must move their entire heads in order to look around. They can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees, and some can turn their heads completely upside down. Among the physical adaptations that enhance owls