Paul Albitz, Cricket Liu
新的第四版同时涵盖了BIND 9和BIND 8,BIND实现了许多重要的新功能,BIND 8是当前许多商业产品的基础。BIND 8和BIND 9使得DNS的安全性得到极大的提高。
* DNS的作用、工作原理,以及何时需要使用它
* 在Internet的名称空间中如何找到自己的位置
* 建立名称服务器
* 使用MX记录来路由邮件
* 配置主机以使用DNS名称服务器
* 划分(合并)域
* 保护名称服务器:限制查询你的服务器的用户,防止未授权的区域传输,避免伪造的服务器等
* BIND 9的新功能,包括视图及Ipv6正向和逆向映射
* DNS Security Extensions(DNSSEC)和Transaction Signatures(TSIG)
* 把一个名称映射到多个用于加载共享的服务器
* 动态更新、异步通知对区域的修改,以及增量区域传输
* 故障诊断:使用nslookup和dig,读取调试输出,以及常见的问题
* 使用分解器库和Perl的Net::DNS模块进行DNS编程
Paul Albitz是一位惠普公司的软件工程师,他把BIND移植到了HP-UX。
Cricket Liu是一名前任的hp.com的主机管理员,hp.com是Internet上的最大的域之一。他目前是VerSign Global Registry Services的DNS Product Management经理。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Background
  3. A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
  4. On the Internet and internets
  5. The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
  6. The History of BIND
  7. Must I Use DNS?
  8. 2. How Does DNS Work?
  9. The Domain Name Space
  10. The Internet Domain Name Space
  11. Delegation
  12. Name Servers and Zones
  13. Resolvers
  14. Resolution
  15. Caching
  16. 3. Where Do I Start?
  17. Getting BIND
  18. Choosing a Domain Name
  19. 4. Setting Up BIND
  20. Our Zone
  21. Setting Up Zone Data
  22. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
  23. Abbreviations
  24. Host Name Checking (BIND 4.9.4 and Later Versions)
  25. Tools
  26. Running a Primary Master Name Server
  27. Running a Slave Name Server
  28. Adding More Zones
  29. What Next?
  30. 5. DNS and Electronic Mail
  31. MX Records
  32. What誷 a Mail Exchanger, Again?
  33. The MX Algorithm
  34. 6. Configuring Hosts
  35. The Resolver
  36. Sample Resolver Configurations
  37. Minimizing Pain and Suffering
  38. Vendor-Specific Options
  39. 7. Maintaining BIND
  40. Controlling the Name Server
  41. Updating Zone Data Files
  42. Organizing Your Files
  43. Changing System File Locations in BIND 8 and 9
  44. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
  45. Keeping Everything Running Smoothly
  46. 8. Growing Your Domain
  47. How Many Name Servers?
  48. Adding More Name Servers
  49. Registering Name Servers
  50. Changing TTLs
  51. Planning for Disasters
  52. Coping with Disaster
  53. 9. Parenting
  54. When to Become a Parent
  55. How Many Children?
  56. What to Name Your Children
  57. How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
  58. Subdomains of in-addr.arpa Domains
  59. Good Parenting
  60. Managing the Transition to Subdomains
  61. The Life of a Parent
  62. 10. Advanced Features
  63. Address Match Lists and ACLs
  64. DNS Dynamic Update
  65. DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
  66. Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
  67. Forwarding
  69. Round Robin Load Distribution
  70. Name Server Address Sorting
  71. Preferring Name Servers on Certain Networks
  72. A Nonrecursive Name Server
  73. Avoiding a Bogus Name Server
  74. System Tuning
  75. Compatibility
  76. The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
  77. Addresses and Ports
  78. IPv6 Forward and Reverse Mapping
  79. 11. Security
  80. TSIG
  81. Securing Your Name Server
  82. DNS and Internet Firewalls
  83. The DNS Security Extensions
  84. 12. nslookup and dig
  85. Is nslookup a Good Tool?
  86. Interactive Versus Noninteractive
  87. Option Settings
  88. Avoiding the Search List
  89. Common Tasks
  90. Less Common Tasks
  91. Troubleshooting nslookup Problems
  92. Best of the Net
  93. Using dig
  94. 13. Reading BIND Debugging Output
  95. Debugging Levels
  96. Turning On Debugging
  97. Reading Debugging Output
  98. The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 8)
  99. The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 9)
  100. Tools
  101. 14. Troubleshooting DNS and BIND
  102. Is NIS Really Your Problem?
  103. Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
  104. Potential Problem List
  105. Transition Problems
  106. Interoperability and Version Problems
  107. TSIG Errors
  108. Problem Symptoms
  109. 15. Programming with the Resolver and Name Server
  110. Library Routines
  111. Shell Script Programming with nslookup
  112. C Programming with the Resolver Library Routines
  113. Perl Programming with Net::DNS
  114. 16. Miscellaneous
  115. Using CNAME Records
  116. Wildcards
  117. A Limitation of MX Records
  118. Dialup Connections
  119. Network Names and Numbers
  120. Additional Resource Records
  121. DNS and WINS
  122. DNS and Windows 2000
  123. A. DNS Message Format and Resource Records
  124. B. BIND Compatibility Matrix
  125. C. Compiling and Installing BIND on Linux
  126. D. Top-Level Domains
  127. E. BIND Name Server and Resolver Configuration
  128. Index
作者:Paul Albitz, Cricket Liu
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Paul Albitz
Paul Albitz 是惠普公司的软件工程师。Paul 从威斯康星大学获得科学学士学位,从普度大学获得科学硕士学位。Paul 从事与HP-UX7.0 和8.0 发布有关的BIND方面的研究。在这一时期,Paul 开发了用于运行hp.com域名的工具。从那时起,Paul 就一直从事惠普DesignJet绘图仪网络和OfficeJet多功能传真子系统。加盟惠普之前,Paul 在普度大学计算机系担任系统管理员。作为系统管理员,Paul 在BIND最初与4.3BSD同时发布时就开始用BIND了。Paul 与他的妻子Katherine 住在加州圣地亚哥。
Cricket Liu
Cricket Liu投考了加州大学伯克利分校,那里是自由演讲的阵地,有不受限制的UNIX和便宜的比萨饼。Cricket目前是Infoblox的首席DNS架构师和高级研究员。
Cricket还和他的朋友Matt Larson一起经营他自己的DNS咨询和培训公司——Acme Byte & Wire。
The insects featured on the cover of DNS and BIND are grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are found all over the globe. Of over 5000 species, 100 different grasshopper species are found in North America. Grasshoppers are greenish-brown, and range in length from a half inch to four inches, with wingspans of up to six inches. Their bodies are divided into three sections: the head, thorax, and abdomen, with three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.
Male grasshoppers use their hind legs and forewings to produce a "chirping" sound. Their hind legs have a ridge of small pegs that are rubbed across a hard-ened vein in the forewing, causing an audible vibration much like a bow being drawn across a string.
Grasshoppers are major crop pests, particularly when they collect in swarms. A single grasshopper can consume 30mg of food a day. In collections of 50 or more grasshoppers per square yard-a density often reached during grasshopper outbreaks-grasshoppers consume as much as a cow would per acre. In addition to consuming foliage, grasshoppers damage plants by attacking them at vulner-able points and causing the stems to break off.