Duane Wessels
在World Wide Web上,速度和效率是至关重要的因素。用户没有耐心来等待慢条斯理地显示Web网页,而网络管理员也在想方设法地利用带宽。正确设计的Web缓存会减少网络通信量,并加快对流行的Web站点的访问时间 ── 对网络管理员和Web用户都是一种实惠。
* 设计有效的缓存解决方案
* 配置Web浏览器以使用缓存
* 设置一个能够互相通信的缓存集合
* 配置拦截缓存或代理
* 监视或微调缓存的性能
* 配置Web服务器以便与Web缓存协作
* 评估缓存产品的性能
Internet服务提供商、大型公司和教育机构 ── 简而言之,为各种各样的用户提供连接的所有网络 ── 都能够从运行正确配置的Web缓存服务中获得巨大的利益。本书将讲述怎样正确地完成这项工作。
Duane Wessels是Squid(它是一种流行的公开源代码的Web缓存产品)的创造者。他还是The Measurement Factory, Inc.公司的总裁和所有者之一,该公司专门评估识别HTTP的设备的性能和行为。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Introduction
  3. 1.1 Web Architecture
  4. 1.2 Web Transport Protocols
  5. 1.3 Why Cache the Web?
  6. 1.4 Why Not Cache the Web?
  7. 1.5 Types of Web Caches
  8. 1.6 Caching Proxy Features
  9. 1.7 Meshes, Clusters, and Hierarchies
  10. 1.8 Products
  11. 2. How Web Caching Works
  12. 2.1 HTTP Requests
  13. 2.2 Is It Cachable?
  14. 2.3 Hits, Misses, and Freshness
  15. 2.4 Hit Ratios
  16. 2.5 Validation
  17. 2.6 Forcing a Cache to Refresh
  18. 2.7 Cache Replacement
  19. 3. Politics of Web Caching
  20. 3.1 Privacy
  21. 3.2 Request Blocking
  22. 3.3 Copyright
  23. 3.4 Offensive Content
  24. 3.5 Dynamic Web Pages
  25. 3.6 Content Integrity
  26. 3.7 Cache Busting and Server Busting
  27. 3.8 Advertising
  28. 3.9 Trust
  29. 3.10 Effects of Proxies
  30. 4. Configuring Cache Clients
  31. 4.1 Proxy Addresses
  32. 4.2 Manual Proxy Configuration
  33. 4.3 Proxy Auto-Configuration Script
  34. 4.4 Web Proxy Auto-Discovery
  35. 4.5 Other Configuration Options
  36. 4.6 The Bottom Line
  37. 5. Interception Proxying and Caching
  38. 5.1 Overview
  39. 5.2 The IP Layer: Routing
  40. 5.3 The TCP Layer: Ports and Delivery
  41. 5.4 The Application Layer: HTTP
  42. 5.5 Debugging Interception
  43. 5.6 Issues
  44. 5.7 To Intercept or Not To Intercept
  45. 6. Configuring Servers to Work with Caches
  46. 6.1 Important HTTP Headers
  47. 6.2 Being Cache-Friendly
  48. 6.3 Being Cache-Unfriendly
  49. 6.4 Other Issues for Content Providers
  50. 7. Cache Hierarchies
  51. 7.1 How Hierarchies Work
  52. 7.2 Why Join a Hierarchy?
  53. 7.3 Why Not Join a Hierarchy?
  54. 7.4 Optimizing Hierarchies
  55. 8. Intercache Protocols
  56. 8.1 ICP
  57. 8.2 CARP
  58. 8.3 HTCP
  59. 8.4 Cache Digests
  60. 8.5 Which Protocol to Use
  61. 9. Cache Clusters
  62. 9.1 The Hot Spare
  63. 9.2 Throughput and Load Sharing
  64. 9.3 Bandwidth
  65. 10. Design Considerations for Caching Services
  66. 10.1 Appliance or Software Solution
  67. 10.2 Disk Space
  68. 10.3 Memory
  69. 10.4 Network Interfaces
  70. 10.5 Operating Systems
  71. 10.6 High Availability
  72. 10.7 Intercepting Traffic
  73. 10.8 Load Sharing
  74. 10.9 Location
  75. 10.10 Using a Hierarchy
  76. 11. Monitoring the Health of Your Caches
  77. 11.1 What to Monitor?
  78. 11.2 Monitoring Tools
  79. 12. Benchmarking Proxy Caches
  80. 12.1 Metrics
  81. 12.2 Performance Bottlenecks
  82. 12.3 Benchmarking Tools
  83. 12.4 Benchmarking Gotchas
  84. 12.5 How to Benchmark a Proxy Cache
  85. 12.6 Sample Benchmark Results
  86. A. Analysis of Production Cache Trace Data
  87. B. Internet Cache Protocol
  88. C. Cache Array Routing Protocol
  89. D. Hypertext Caching Protocol
  90. E. Cache Digests
  91. F. HTTP Status Codes
  92. G. U.S.C. 17 Sec. 512. Limitations on Liability
  93. Relating to Material Online
  94. H. List of Acronyms
  95. Bibliography
  96. Index
作者:Duane Wessels
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Duane Wessels
Duane Wessels discovered Unix and the Internet as an undergraduate student studying physics at Washington State University. After playing system adminis-trator for a few years, he moved to Boulder, Colorado, to attend graduate school.In late 1994, he joined the Harvest project, where he worked on searching,indexing, and caching. From 1996 until 2000, he was co-principal investigator of the NLANR Information Resource Caching project (IRCache). During this time, he and others developed and supported the Squid caching proxy. In 1999, his team organized the first"Cache-Off," a performance benchmarking event for caching proxies. Currently, he is co-owner and president of The Measurement Factory,Inc., a company that specializes in evaluating the performance and behavior of HTTP-aware devices. Like many other Colorado residents, he enjoys hiking, bicy-cling,and snowboarding.
The animal on the cover of Web Caching is a rock thrush. Rock thrushes belong to the order Passeriformes, the largest order of birds, containing 5,700 species, or over half of all living birds. Passerines, as birds of this order are called, are perching birds with four toes on each foot, three that point forward and one larger one that points backward. Rock thrushes belong to either the genus Monticola or the genus Petrocossyphus, such as Monticola solitarius, the blue rock thrush, and Petrocossyphus imerinus, the littoral rock thrush.