James Shore
James Shore,敏捷宣言(Agile Manifesto)的第10位签署者,他在那些敏捷团队被称为敏捷之前就开始指导大大小小的敏捷团队了。他关于敏捷开发的论述既有广度又有深度。2005年,敏捷联盟(Agile Alliance)将他们的最高荣誉:Gordon Pask奖授予了James,以表彰他对于敏捷实践的贡献。James是国际公认的演讲者,为那些对敏捷开发感兴趣的公司提供咨询。他还在他顶级排名的博客(jamesshore.com)上面撰写关于敏捷开发的博文。James Shore, signatory number 10 to the Agile Manifesto, has been coaching agile teams large and
small before they were called agile. He brings both breadth and depth to his discussion of agile
development. In 2005, the Agile Alliance recognized James with their most significant award, the
Gordon Pask Award for Contributions to Agile Practice. James is an internationally recognized speaker
who consults for companies interested in agile development. He writes about agile development on his
top-ranked blog, jamesshore.com.